Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Day 2 I'm ok
It was much better today Jimena. You were happy going to school, even though both you and Moises woke up extra early (Nee woke you up) and you didn't poop at home again. Your dad and I were a bit scared of your reaction when we would pick you up. We were so hesitant. You were only there an hour again and the family just hung out at Abulea's while we waited. Moises you ran in the parking behind abuela's, running and running (I still get scared to see you run because you run like the scarecrow, cute but scary) Anyways we were there on time and Moises carried your cobija in so you could hug it as you came out. Well you came out and you weren't crying, you were actually pretty calm. Of course you hugged your cobija so tight when you saw it. The teacher said you worked well and you didn't ask for us. It was a sign of relief for both your parents. I'm ok with taking you if your ok with going. Your not separating from your parents as when we came home we enjoyed our story time like usual. I love you little girl. I love you Moises.
Monday, August 25, 2008
School Started...I want to take it back
It was your first day of Montessori school Jimena (only an hour) and you were very excited. We woke up on schedule, ate a good breakfast and put on your uniform. You looked so adorable, making faces at the camera, telling Moises how you were going to school. By 8 we were driving and made it just in time to school...the lady greeted you at the door and you waved at her smiling. She took you by the hand and you were off, by yourself, alone to take on this new challenge. I was scared but mostly excited since I had convinced myself it was better for you, even though I still thought you were to young. Well the hour quickly passed and Dad, Moises and I were waiting patiently to pick you up, sitting waiting, wondering how you were. Out you came by the teachers hand and on your face a little sadness and as soon as you saw us a flat out cry. She had gotten anxious the last 15minutes of the hour, "where's mom" she would ask," y mama?" the teacher explained to us. "Its going to get better," she insisted. I don't know, I was heart broken, here I thought you were so ready and yet still your so small. I missed you and you missed me. Did I make a mistake by sending you off even when I was doubting. I love you Jimena, I didn't mean to send you, if I could I would teach you myself as I do already. I know it was just the first day and even though I saw some kids coming out smiling, I have to remember that your not those kids and I should never compare you to anyone but yourself and will ask you to be know one but the person God created. We will try it again tomorrow because even though you cried out "no quiero ir a la esculea" later that day you all so told your dolls that you were going to school "poquito". Remember that I love you and if you ever feel uncomfortable with anything let me know so I can correct it, change it or just make it better for you. Your my little girl and I never want to break the relationship we have. If you don't want to go, we wont.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wizard of Oz at the Plaza
Jimena, Moises, so we went to go see the Wizard of Oz on the big screen at the Plaza Theatre. Its your all time favorite movie, both of you knew exactly what was going to happen in every scene. It was so much fun, the line was huge but we still managed to get good seats. Jimena you had already gone before with your abuelos last year but it wasn't on such a big screen like today. Moises it was your first time and you had a blast, sitting on top of the pillow we carried and drinking (yep your bottle). Jimena you were sick that day, we actually went to the doctor that morning so you enjoyed it a lot but not as much still if you wouldn't of been sick. We had already bought the tickets before hand. The all time favorite movie for both of you and it was so wonderful to see your faces light up and hear all your favorite songs. We had intended it to be a Huante event but it turned out to be an Abulea event as she made sure both of you could see correctly, brought you both lunch (since we had just come back from the Juarez doctor with out eating) and sat next to you to make sure she captured every moment with you. She loves you both so much, it was ok for your parents to take a step back and enjoy that moment as well.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Happy B-Day Dad
What a wonderful b-day for dad we had yesterday. Both of you couldn't wait to sing happy birthday and your uncle Carlo took forever to arrive so we only waited for your uncle Michael to start singing. Jimena of course quickly blew out the candles before we even finished singing and said you were helping Dad. Moises you missed out, you couldn't blow fast enough. Jimena had made a nice card for dad and it included a very big hug.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Baptism 3yr
Jimena, we celebrated your baptism anniversary on the 12th at Abuela's house. Our plans changed as we received some unexpected news from your uncle, so instead of baking we bought Dora cupcakes at Vista. Of course we took both Moises's and your baptismal candles to light and blow as we sang Happy Baptism Day. You were so excited and giggled so much when I would tell you how the Holy Spirit came flying into your heart that day. You had been looking forward to this day as you kept reminding everyone how we had celebrated Moises's in February. You received some Jesus coloring books (from parents) and a wooden cake and Disney storybook from Patuts that of course you would share with Baby NEE. It was a lot of fun and you were very happy. Also you understood that God listens to your prayers as that night you took an initiative to pray by yourself in your bed which I had the privilege to overhear as I lay in the dark room putting Moises to sleep. Remember God listens as long as we talk to him and he will never leave us alone. I pray that your parents can set an example for you to by showing and learning ourselves to trust in him.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Moises. So your completely into scribbling with pens... scribble, scribble, scribble. I had bought some 1 subject notebooks for myself and they have been completely used up by you. Jimena of course you jumped in on the fun and now you draw trees...and just yesterday some stairs and a light that you said was like the light we have in our back yard. I missed taking a pic but you've gotten pretty good in your own little way.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Fear or No Fear to Grow Up
So I started this blog and that's all that's been on my mind, but my intention of it changed when I actually started it. I wanted this to be about life and then it turned to just be about stuff. Jimena, Moises how much I wish for you to stay children, for you to stay pure. This world is filled with very perverse things that I wish for you to never encounter, but God created both of you because he has a special plan he would like for you to follow and because there should not be a fear to grow-up. Your father and I through God's guidance are going to teach you that our life is to live with god, in him and through him. For our eyes and our hearts will only be set on pleasing him who loves us truly thus finding our greatest satisfaction. I will not fear you growing for I will love you and show you that there is still so much good.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Playing On The Drums
Hanging Clothes
Monday, August 4, 2008
French Toast w/ Dad
Using A Knife

M loves cutting up the wooden foods from Melissa and Doug with his knife. They arrived a couple of weeks ago and since then he'll ask for it a couple times a day and easily spend a good thirty minutes concentrating on cutting and attaching the foods back together. He really likes how the sound of the cutting and the challenge of running the knife through the Velcro feels.
Washing Clothes

Dorothy and M have always loved helping out with the chores...washing dishes, cleaning tables and mirrors, sweeping, mopping (although that's MY least favorite) and today washing clothes. They both have their own laundry basket. Dorothy always pours in the detergent and M helps out by throwing in the cloths to the washer. Dorothy already knows how to separate the colors from the whites and M knows how to put the basket on his head to make Dorothy laugh.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Late Nights, Early Mornings Don't Mix Well
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Lost of Rhythm
So I've been a bit hooked on this blog thing, mainly just searching, reading, snooping. It's only natural when you start something new. I have let our days be filled with less planned activities, on a whim and I need to get back to us. By no means do we follow a rigid schedule just a nice rhythm. I gain momentum, I lose momentum... I need to remember that time does not come back so I must cherish it.
Bath Time: Toto and Baby
It feels like they had never taken a bath, but Dorothy insisted Toto was dirty and needed to get clean. So out went Toto and baby (M's baby doll was also dirty) to bath in a cake pan. Of course we used No Tear Shampoo to wash them, just in case the two wanted to touch their eyes. It was a fun time under the porch washing, scrubbing and getting wet. Dorothy was a pro washing Toto all over while M needed a little help to get started. I don't think baby came out as clean as Toto. (Idea came from here)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Under The Clouds @ The Park
We bought watermelon, avocados and warm tortillas for our afternoon at music at the park series but as we drove up, I realized I had the wrong park. That didn't stop us as Dad still set up our chairs and picnic gear. M wrestled with Dad for the longest time, he loves pretending his tougher than Dad whille Dorothy loved hiding a red rock pretending she didn't know where she left it and having us search for it. It was a great time even though the music wasn't playing.
Stones In A Puddle
It's been raining for the past two days, we even missed a good friends b-day because of it. So to make up for it we would head outside every so often the rain stopped and Dorothy and M would throw rocks into a puddle of water that gathers behind Abuela's house. They had so much fun looking for stones to throw and watch the water splash. It so nice to watch how simple things bring so much joy. I actually don't mind letting them get too wet, its always nice to feel the rain drops land on your face.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Umbrella Trio
So we went out into the sprinkles because it looked like it was going to rain hard but it was only a few rain drops, so we got our umbrellas ready (patuts finally bought one for M) and out we went. I didn't have a camera but it was such a cute moment, marching in the backyard along the sidewalk. M so proud that he finally had one to call his own, he grabbed it tight and close to his head to not get wet and Dorothy well you were already a pro.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The start
So I'm finally warming up to blog, to journal the adventures of Dorothy and M. I just hope I can turn this into a book someday, I already have a journal I write in where I've written things they are up to, life lessons to learn that my husband and I think of, bits and pieces of advice, memories and stories, values to learn and practice, etc.. a little of this and that to make our life authentic and closer to Dios.
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