Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm home.

I quit, I finally quit my job. My husband is back at work and I'm finally at home with my kiddos. How I missed them so much, how I yearned to spend the days with them reading books, baking cookies, just being in their presence. But I'm home now and how happy I am, how happy they are, how happy my husband is. Our life just feels right, with me at home, it felt chaotic when I was a way, day after day of leaving them, leaving them to days filled with up in the air activities, instead of to order, instead of to balance, instead of to peace. The kids were stressed, my children were tired, they wanted me home and I wanted so bad to be there. But God knows why he does things and now he knows that I should be home once again with my children, taking my role back from my husband, from my mom, taking my role back to do what I do best, raise my children. Today ends our spring break, where we woke up late, played endlessly and read and abundance of books....where we just stayed home. My kids love being home, they dislike much spending time out, what is out there that isn't at home. J, M....I want to give you my love, my respect I want to give you your mother as she should be. Husband....I want to give you your home.

Love Always.

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