Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So I'm praying for patience these days....I haven't written in a long time, it's just that I'm going on 3 months of working outside my home, my husband is in furlough time and he hasn't been called back to work. I'm happy that at least my children are with their father following our home philosophy. That's what's been keeping me happy, but I need to learn to be patient and wait joyfully for my husband to be called back. I was praying for his job, but I should be praying for patience. I'm great fully that at least I was blessed to get a job in this bad economy and I should give thanks at all times that we just switched the roles. It's interesting to see the roles reversed, but I definitely understand know that there is nothing like being home with your kids. What more would I want to do than spend my time doing ordinary things such as reading books, doing chores, praying, crafts, preschool stuff and just loving my kids by understanding them through the hours I spend with them. Now I spend little time with them, I get home wanting to hug and kiss them, wanting to start our day not realizing that they've already had their day and by the time I get home, I get the one task I anxiously wait for, bathing my children, cleaning them, combing their hair, putting their PJ's and kissing them good night. Its a long day at work and now I realize more then ever there is nothing like spending time with your kids, then being at work with adults working on projects that don't educate our spiritual lives.