Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New School Year

The kids are officially back to school. Where did our summer go? Jimena is attending full day, getting off at 3p.m. and Moises well he is perfectly fine with 3 hours. Jimena you go to school so calm, carrying a pleasant smile with you. I wish I was that calm when I was young. You are trying the school lunch and well so far I have gotten very few happy faces meaning you don't really like the food, but you will keep trying until your laptop lunch arrives in the mail. Moises, your still in Lupitas class for the rest of the week until the transition you in to Children's house. I know you don't fit in those small chairs but your not to excited about going back since you keep repeating how much you want to just stay home to play. I love how you find comfort at home, never wanting to leave unless it's to go to the park. Both of you are growing so fast and I want to make sure I don't stay behind growing alongside you.

Goals for the School Year:
1. Jimena and Moises will dress themselves in the mornings.
2. Brush teeth after breakfast and dinner.
3. Clean chair and table after eating and place cups in the sink.
4. Put PJ's by yourselves.
5. Jimena will start scrubbing herself in the shower.

Mom School Year Goals:
1. Have activity for each book list book read.
2. Poem memorization.
3. IPhoto Pro
4. Learn to sew.